78th Annual Valentine Coronation To Be Held On February 13th
Love Island will be theme for annual coronation ceremony at VHS.
Cherry County Court News
4 individuals sentenced on felony charges on Friday in District Court.
Cork Thornton Memorial Ice Fishing Tournament
The annual fundraising tournament is scheduled for January 28-29 at Merritt Reservoir.
Youth Fishing Clinic
Clinic on February 5 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Watts Lake at Valentine National Wildlife Refuge.
NCDHD Update
462 new COVID-19 cases reported since last week’s update, a record high number.
North Central RC&D Completes Successful Year in 2021
The North Central RC&D held numerous successful events in 2021 in the six county area.
VPD Week In Review
Weekly update from the Valentine Police Department
Most KVSH Area Communities Show Retail Sales Growth in October 2021
Valentine had almost 7% growth in retail sales in October 2021 compared to year earlier.
Winter Nationals Youth Wrestling
Several area athletes competed in Omaha in wrestling.
Valentine PD Week In Review
The Valentine Police Department referred several cases to the Cherry County Attorneys office.
Valentines for Veterans
Leo Brinda Unit #90 is hosting the annual Valentines for Veterans drive, due Feb 4th.
Valentine City Council Meeting
Regular council meeting will be at 6 pm CT tomorrow, January 13th.
NCDHD Update
NCDHD not reporting any vaccination clinics in Valentine this week, however, clinics available at Cherry County Hospital.
VHS Honor Roll
Valentine High School 1st Semester Honor Roll
Sparks Nebraska Spurs Hosting Competition Jan 29th and 30th
Over 30 shooters are expected to compete in Valentine at the end of this month.
Bell Ringing A Success
The goal of $7000 was exceed this holiday season thanks to everyone’s generosity.
VPD Seeking Assistance
The public’s help is needed for information regarding recent crimes.
NCDHD Vaccination Clinics
A walk in clinic will be at MPCC in Valentine from 1-5 on January 4th.
VPD Week In Review
Weekly update from the Valentine Police Department
Red Cross Blood Drive in Valentine Jan 6
Contact Jeanine Cozad at 402-376-4715 to make your appointment!
Lady Badgers Place 2nd during Holiday Classic
The George Watson Holiday Classic took place in Chadron on 12/28 and 12/29.
NCDHD Vaccination Clinics
A walk in clinic will be at MPCC in Valentine from 1-5 on January 4th.
VPD Week In Review
Weekly update from the Valentine Police Department
Area Student Athletes Named to Academic All State
Several area athletes have been recognized for academic and leadership.
Sterkel and Miller Named Captains of All State 6 Man Team
Several Sandhills Thedford and Cody Kilgore football players named to all state teams.
VPD Week In Review
Weekly update from the Valentine Police Department
Valentine Invite Wrestling Results
Valentine wrestlers place third at invite held in Valentine Friday and Saturday.
VPD Week In Review
Weekly update from the Valentine Police Department
Valentine City Council Meeting
The time change was approved, now council meetings will be held at 6 pm CT.
VAAC and UMC Presents: Christmas Cantata
Christmas Cantata is Sunday at 7 pm at the United Methodist Church
Valentine City Council Meeting
The regular meeting of the Valentine City Council will be held Thursday, December 9 at 7 pm.
Valentine Retail Sales Continue to Increase in September 2021
2021 retail sales continue to improve when compared to 2020.
VPD Week In Review
Weekly update from the Valentine Police Department
Badger One Act Play Production Wins District B-6
The VHS One Act Play production will compete at State this Friday in Norfolk at the Johnny Carson Theater.
2021 Deer Harvest Steady with 2019
There were 869 deer checked in at the Valentine State Fish Hatchery station during the 2021 firearm deer season which concluded on November 21st.
CCH Statement on Vaccine Injunction
Statement from Cherry County Hospital CEO on the injunction granted that postpones healthcare vaccine mandates.
Valentine Retail Sales Continue To Climb in August
Retail sale in most KVSH area communities were stronger in August.
Prediction Contest Winners
Ryan McSweeney of Valentine and Bill Schell of Wyoming tied for first place overall!
2021 Parade of Lights Held on Saturday Evening
A large crowd showed up for the Parade of Lights Christmas parade and activities at the fairgrounds Saturday evening.
Sandhills/Thedford Knights Runner Up in Class D2 Championships
Two years in a row the Sandills Thedford Knights have finished runner up in class D2 eight man football.
Cody-Kilgore Cowboys Class D6 Champions
CK Cowboys wrap up their undefeated season with a state championship in Kearney.
COVID-19 Testing Tuesday Only This Week
Test Nebraska at the Cherry County Hospital will only take place Nov 23rd this week.
CNCAP Commodities November 19th
Senior commodities will be delivered on Friday, November 19th from 2:30-3 pm at the Cherry County Fairgrounds
Valentine City Council Meeting
The regular meeting of the Valentine City Council will be held Thursday, November 18 at 7 pm.
Wreaths Across America
Check orders are due November 18th, Online orders due November 29th
Bell Ringers Needed
Contact the Valentine Lions Club to get signed up!
Prediction Contest Winners
With two weeks left in the contest, finally – a perfect card!
VPD Week In Review
Weekly update from the Valentine Police Department
District Judge Dismisses Final Lawsuit Against County
Judge Mark Kozicek on Friday dismissed the final of three lawsuits again Cherry County and wind development.
Cody-Kilgore and Sandhills/Thedford Advance to Finals
Local teams handled their semifinal games easily to advance to the state championship!
Fireworks Display Moved to Sunday
Location will still be the Cherry County Fairgrounds and will occur shortly after sundown (5:30 pm)
Board of Commissioners Special Meeting Notice
Special meeting will be held Tuesday, November 16th at 3 pm.
Fireworks Display on Veteran’s Day
Music, Chili & Soup Supper, and Fireworks scheduled for Nov 11th at the Fairgrounds.
Prediction Contest Winners
Better picks this week but still no perfect cards…
VPD Week In Review
Weekly update from the Valentine Police Department
Bridge Closed
Mogle (Blumenstock/Wobig) Bridge, on Boiling Springs Road, temporarily closed
Prediction Contest Winners
A perfect card is still just a dream as week nine winners were announced…
Rotary Fundraiser
5K walk/ run set for Saturday
VPD Week In Review
Weekly update from the Valentine Police Department
Blood Drives in Cody and Valentine
Cody’s Blood Drive is Nov 3, Valentine’s is November 4th.
Sanford Announces Closing of Pineview Long Term Care in Valentine
Long term care facility to close by Janaury 1st.
House Fire on North Valentine Street
Vacant structure engulfed, believed to be electrical in nature.
Parade of Lights Forms Available
Forms available now at KVSH Radio for the Parade on November 27th.
COVID-19 Testing and Vaccination Clinics
Latest update from the NCDHD regarding testing and vaccine clinics.
Prediction Contest Winners
Week eight was another tough one for favorites, also includes week 7 results….
Planned Power Outage for Cherry Todd Electric
Outage on Wednesday, Oct 27, on the three phase line east of Rosebud.
VPD Week In Review
Weekly update from the Valentine Police Department
Moonlight Madness This Thursday
Visit local businesses from 6-9 pm on Thursday with a chance to win $250 in Chamber Bucks!
VPD Week In Review
Weekly update from the Valentine Police Department
Road closure on Cherry Street Friday 10/15
Closure between 3rd and 4th street in the morning. Water will be shut off.
Valentine Community Schools Without Internet or Phones
Lack of internet caused phone lines to go down on Tuesday, Oct 12, for all Valentine Community Schools.
Valentine City Council Meeting
The regular meeting of the Valentine City Council will be held Thursday, October 14th at 7 pm.
VAAC Presents “Shakespeare on Tour”
Free performance of Romeo & Juliet on October 17th, 6 pm, at Valentine High School.
Prediction Contest Winners
Week six had winners missing just one pick…
Free COVID Testing Continues
Register by noon prior to the test every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
VPD Week In Review
Weekly update from the Valentine Police Department
Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Against Cherry County and Commissioners.
A two year old lawsuit was dismissed by Judge Mark Kozisek.
Two Arrested After Search Warrants Served In Valentine
Two men arrested after search warrants served in Valentine on Tuesday.
Bowling Leagues Start Soon
October 19th is the start date for leagues and will run every Tuesday and Wednesday.
Paper Shredding Event a Success.
26,000 pounds of paper was shredded on site during tow days in North Central Nebraska.
Prediction Contest Winners
Week five had five upsets on the card but the winners missed only two…
Valentine Construction Updates
What to expect this week on Cherry St. for construction preparations.
VPD Week In Review
Weekly update from the Valentine Police Department
Miller Field Receiving Grant
Miller Field in Valentine to Receive $3.4 Million Federal Airport Improvement Grant
SWC Golf Tournament
Lady Badgers took 2nd place at SWC Golf.
Prediction Contest Winners
Week four had several upsets on the card….
VPD Week In Review
Weekly update from the Valentine Police Department
Long Awaited Construction To Begin In The Heart of Valentine
Construction on Cherry Street Detour to begin on October 4th in preparation for Main St construction in 2022.
Notice of Emergency Meeting
Cherry County Commissioners holding emergency meeting on Thursday, Sept 23, 2021.
Fallen Soldier With Local Ties Returns Home
First Lieutenant Thomas J. Redgate was positively identified after being MIA in the Korean War for over 70 years.
Lady Badger Golf Wins Own Invite
The Valentine Badger Girls Golf team took first in the Valentine Invite on Tuesday.
Paper Shredding on September 23rd
Paper shredding will be in Cody, Valentine, Bassett, Stuart, Atkinson and O’Neill.
Cherry County 4-H Medals in Shooting Sports
Cherry County brought home the hardware from the Nebraska 4-H State Outdoor Archery Championship.
Blackhawk Helicopter Picks up KVSH Radio
A shout out high in the skies went up to Blackhawk Helicopter crews on Thursday.
VPD Week In Review
Weekly update from the Valentine Police Department
Area Fire Updates
Updates on fires around the region….
Signs for Construction in Valentine Going Up Soon
Preliminary work on Cherry Street in Valentine will begin in the next couple of weeks.
Prediction Contest Winners
Week three was better with the winners missing just one game.
Sandhills Cattle Association Convention
Events are underway for the 82nd annual Sandhills Cattle Assocation Convention!
10th Anniversary Cowboy Fast Draw Event in Valentine
12 States were represented during the three day event held at the Cherry Fairgrounds in Valentine.