The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission will consider recommendations for 2023 wild turkey hunting seasons at its Aug. 31 meeting at Fort Robinson State Park. The meeting begins at 8 a.m. Mountain time at the park’s Buffalo Barracks at Crawford. The proposed changes to orders for the 2023 turkey season are:

* Limit Nebraska resident hunters to two spring permits and nonresidents to one;
* Limit the number of spring permits available to nonresidents to 10,000;
* Amend the daily bag limit to allow a hunter to harvest no more than one turkey per calendar day during the spring season;
* Shorten the fall season to Oct. 1-Nov. 30;
* Limit all hunters to one permit in the fall season;
* Lower the bag limit to one for all hunters in the fall season;

Commissioners also will consider recommendations to: approve permitting of hunting in some state parks and state historical parks for 2022 seasons;