General Election Information

The General Election is November 3rd. Sample Ballots can be viewed online here: and Election District lookup information is availableas well to know what will appear on your ballot.  Ballots will be mailed out to...
NCDHD COVID Update 9/30/2020

NCDHD COVID Update 9/30/2020

North Central District Health Department (NCDHD) has been made aware of 25 additional cases across the district: 3-Cherry, 4-Brown, 4-Holt, 4-Boyd, 4-Knox, 3- Antelope, 1-Pierce, and 2-Rock. Risk dial remains in the yellow:...
NCDHD COVID Update 9/29/2020

NCDHD COVID Update 9/29/2020

North Central District Health Department (NCDHD) has been made aware of 28 additional cases across the district: 8-Knox, 6- Holt, 5- Antelope, 1-Boyd, 6-Pierce, and 2-Brown. NCDHD is pleased to share 46 recoveries across the district from last week’s recovery...
9000 Acre Fire in North Central Cherry County

9000 Acre Fire in North Central Cherry County

A wind-driven fire swept through parts of north central Cherry County on Monday afternoon. The cause of the fire, which began south of the Bob Simmons place, is still under investigation. Over a dozen fire departments and agencies assisted in fighting the blaze....
NCDHD COVID Update 9/29/2020

NCDHD COVID Update 9/28/2020

North Central District Health Department (NCDHD) has been made aware of 41 additional cases in the district:6-Brown, 6-Knox, 4-Pierce, 10-Antelope, 10-Holt, 2- Boyd, and 3-Cherry. The NCDHD TestNe clinics: Tuesday, September 29th in O’Neill from 8:30 am – 10:30 am....