An update on the VALENTIE Main Street project:

Paulsen Construction will continue to place sidewalks and  ADA (American
Disabilities Act) sidewalk crossings. Next week the contractor will
continue grading and placing the crushed concrete foundation course for A
Street to C Street (Hwy
20). Paving of the roadway to follow.

The permanent  crossing for the “Cowboy Trail” will be placed and the
temporary crossing for the trail will be removed.

Plan on the one lane crossing removed and the closure of A Street next

Barnes Construction will continue with sidewalk removals and the
construction of various project items.

Midlands Contracting has mobilized off the project. Sanitary Sewer, Water
Mains, and Strom Sewer work is complete for the Main Street section. The
contractor has completed work scheduled for next year.

The B Street Storm Sewer project (City of Valentine) has connected to the
Main Street storm sewer at B Street. Work continues at various manhole
locations but drainage is in place for any rain event for the In Valentine