Spring Wild Turkey Season Approaches
Thanks to Nebraska Game and Parks for the information and upcoming dates.
Shadbolt and Pruitt Doing Well in Pro Rodeo
The pro rodeo season started over again after the National Finals in December.
Valentine Youth Basketball Does Well Over The Weekend
Thanks to Brandi Daugherty for the update.
Valentine Dance, Cheer Win State Championship
The Valentine Dance Team won the state championship in Jazz, 2nd in Pom.
Seven Valentine Badger Boys Qualify for State. Badger Finish Runner Up at Districts
Boys State Wrestling begins Thursday at 3pm with live coverage on KVSH and kvsh.com.
Paige Sprenger Sets New Badger Scoring Record
The old record has stood for 26 years.
Badgers Ready to Compete at District C4 Wrestling Tournament
Nine wrestlers will wear the Badger singlets at District to vie for a spot at state in Omaha.
Ice Anglers Petitioning For More Ice Fishing Lakes On Valentine Refuge
Currently, only 9 of Valentine National Wildlife Refuge’s 24 lakes are open to fishing of any kind.
1st Annual Heart City Coyote Contest Results
Ryan Connot, Brandon Bailey, Hunter Harms, and Aiden Connot won first place in the 24 hour shoot.
Badger Grapplers Have Busy Weekend
Several Badger wrestlers crowned champions over the weekend.
Sparks Spurs Hosting Jackpot Cowboy Fast Draw This Weekend
The public is welcome to come watch and ask questions about fast draw.
Coach Cook Resigns
John Cook decides to step down form head volleyball coach at Nebraska.
Wrestling Results from Chadron Invite
Badgers place 4th at large Chadron wrestling tournament.
3rd, 4th Grade Basketball Results
Thanks To Brandi Daugherty for these results.
Badger Novice Wrestling Tournament Results
Badger youth Wrestling.
Notre Dame Versus Ohio State for National Championship
Big 10 versus Independent for college football championship Monday night.
Badger Wrestling at Broken Bow Triangular
Valentine split matches with Gothenberg and Broken Bow.
Cinch Miller Recognized as “Diamond in the Rough” by Huskerland Prep
There is a drop box at the KVSH Studios.
Bison Win a 10th Title
The North Dakota State Bison defeated the Montana State Grizzlies in the FCS title game 35 to 32 in Texas on Monday night.
Niobrara Unit Mountain Lion Season Over
Adam Nasland harvested a mountain lion near Nenzel. This picture from Facebook.
Former Valentine Coach Shane Allison Voted into the Hall of Fame
A deserving honor for a coach that has set a legacy in not only Badger wrestling, but Nebraska High School Wrestling.
Cornhole League Results
The public is welcome to join the cornhole league at the Vets Club
Badgers Play in Chadron Holiday Tournament Monday and Tuesday On KVSH
Two new teams to join Chadron holiday tournament next week.
Four Huskers Named All American
Even though the season ended short of a National Championship the Husker had a fantastic season.
Huskers Lose VB March 3 to 2 in Semi Finals to Penn State
After winning the first two sets, the Husker feel in three straight to the Lions.
College Football Prediction Contest on KVSH
There are 47 bowl game this year. KVSH will let contestants predict over 30 of them.
Badger Wrestling Hosts Triangular
The Badger boys and girls invite will be December 20th and 21st.
Valentine to Change Conferences
Badgers will be going to South Platte Valley Conference
Huskers 2025 FB Schedule
Huskers will start 2025 football season at home against Cincinatti.
Woodhead and Solich Inducted Into College FB Hall of Fame
Two athletes from Nebraska were inducted into the Hall of Fame on Tuesday night in Las Vegas.
Two Huskers Named Gatorade Players of The Year
Kade Pietrzak and Conor Booth both recieved national honors.
Valentine Wrestlers Compete at O’Neill
This was the first competition for the boys and second for the girls.
South Dakota Teams in Playoffs This Weekend
USD and SDSU playoff games this Saturday.
Husker Signing Class So Far
We hear a lot of transfers from the Husker FB program but there is a good class coming in.
Final Week of Prediction Contest Sees Dellinger and Hartwig Win
KVSH will be doing a bowl prediction contest so keep listening to live and local radio.
College Football Playoff Contenders
Several Big Ten teams will make the college playoffs this year.
Jackson, Jackson and Nelsen Win This Weeks Prediction Card
Nebraska had an unexpected 473 yards of offense against the Badgers on Saturday.
Nebraska State Patrol Urges Caution If Traveling To, From Lincoln On Gameday
Husker Football, combined with early holiday travel will equal congestion in and around Lincoln this weekend.
Huskers Play Wisconsin on Saturday at 2:30
Husker coaches speak about blocking and curses.
Nebraska High School Football Semi Final Scores
Championships to be held later this week.
SD High School Football Championship Scores
Winner won the SD 11B state football championship.
DeNaeyer and Smith Win Prediction Contest This Week
Only two weeks remain in the regular season contest.
Hartwig and Hartwig Win Prediction Contest
It was a tough week in the prediction contest again this week.
KVSH Pigskin Prediction Contest
This week’s winners are Terry Osnes for first and Kathy Hammond for second.
KVSH Radio to Broadcast the Badgers and the Knights this Friday
The Sandhills Thedford Knights game will be streamed live on KVSH.com, the Simple Radio app, and your Alexa device.
The Valentine Badgers game will be broadcast live on KVSH Radio at 940am.
The Knights game will also be re-broadcast both online and on the air Saturday evening.
Ladies win KVSH Prediction Contest
Week nine of the KVSH Pigskin Prediction Contest was a little easier for most participants.
Local Athletes Participate in PRCA Circuit Finals.
Area young rodeo competitors do well in the PRCA circuit finals.
Eklund Does Well at Prairie Circuit
Mataya Eklund of Valentine placed in all three rounds of the circuit finals in barrel racing.
NSAA D-6 District Cross Country Results
Valentine boys placed 5th overall and girls placed 4th overall.
Class C Girls State Golf Tournament
Tierney Miller placed 12th individually with a two day total of 178.
Cody- Kilgore Homecoming
The 2024 Cody-Kilgore King and Queen were Brady Skinner and Kate Cox.
Traditional Pheasant Season Dates
Traditional Pheasant Season Dates are October 19th through January 31st.
Valentine Girls Golf Qualifies for State
Valentine team placed 3rd with a 422.
Heart City Theater Group Purchases Old Jewell Theater Building
Theater group making plans for demo and remodeling of old Main Street building for new community ran theater.
Southwest Conference Tournament Results
Valentine High School Girls Golf team placed 4th out of 8 schools.
Valentine Girls Golf Invite Results
Valentine placed second with a score of 393.
2024 Valentine Homecoming Week
Homecoming week will kick off Saturday, September 28th, with painting business windows on Main Street.
Gothenburg Girls Golf invite results
The team placed 6th of 12 teams.
Valentine Badgers Girls Golf Results
The team won 1st place at the North Platte St. Patts Invite.
KVSH Pigskin Prediction Contest Results
Week 1 winners were: 1st- Dustin Wheeler with 9 correct guesses and 2nd- Nila Gierau also with 9 correct guesses.
Tyler Vanderheiden Memorial Run
They raised $10,000 for Nebraska Game and Parks state park trails in 2024.
Area Results From Nebraska State Fair
2024 Nebraska State Fair Results
Cherry County 4-H was well-represented at the Nebraska State Fair over opening
weekend. Seventy-seven static projects were on display from local youth, and six
individuals competed in in-person events.
NSRA Contract Personnel
NSRA State Finals coming to Lexington
Badger Girls Golf Scramble
The scramble was on August 27th at the Atkinson-Stuart Country Club.
Tourism On Niobrara National Scenic River Contributes $8.0 Million to Local Economy
A new National Park Service report shows that 80,000 visitors to Niobrara National Scenic River in 2023 spent $8 million in communities near the park. That spending supported 111 jobs in the local area and had a cumulative benefit to the local economy of $9.4 million.
40 Attend the Public Hearing on County Comprehensive Plan
8 people testified during the 45-minute hearing.
Valentine A Top Summer Home Locale, Says “Agent Advice”
Aspen, Colorado, Big Bear Lake, California, and Homer, Alaska ranked at the top. Valentine was placed at #114.
Sandhills Catfish Classic Fishing Tournament
This years event will be on September 13th and 14th at Merritt Reservoir.
Nebraska Game and Parks Commission Meeting
The meeting was held August 16th near Crawford.
Cherry County Rodeo Royalty Results
The Rodeo Royalty Contest was on Saturday, July 13th.
Stream Restoration Projects Within the Long Pine Creek Watershed
The stream restoration projects were funded with $1.7 million from the Nebraska Environmental Trust, $1.9 million in federal funding, and supplemented by $652,000 in local match contributions.
Valentine Majors Team
The 12U boys ended their season with a 6 & 4 record
Legion Senior Baseball Defeats Tri County
The Valentine American Legion Baseball Team played Tri County last night. Valentine won 8 to 0 in 6 innings. The photo is of Coby Higgins at bat.
Nebraska Chiropractic Physicians Association (NCPA) Academic All-State Awards
Each year the NSAA and the NCPA recognize students which are nominated by their schools.
Several Valentine Badger Athletes Qualified for State Track Meet in Omaha
Isaac Cronin Triple Gold Medal Winner at district track meet held in Atkinson.
District Track Results
District track results.
Valentine Boys Golf Results
JV traveled to Thedford and Varsity went to O’Neill.
Valentine Community Schools Superintendent on the Comment Program
Valentine Community Schools Superintendent Mike Halley was our guest on the KVSH Comment program this morning.
Valentine`s Cowboy Clash 2024 Results for Valentine Wrestling Club
Valentine`s Cowboy Clash 2024 Results for Valentine Wrestling Club.
The 80th Annual Coronation
ongratulations to the 2024 Royalty King & Queen Will Sprenger and Kaetryn Bancroft.
Cork Thornton Memorial Ice Fishing Tournament Results
Results from the 2024 Cork Thornton Memorial Ice Fishing Tournament
KVSH Prediction Contest Leaderboard
Top 5 overall leaderboard for the KVSH Prediction Contest.
North Central R.C. & D Paper Shredding
North Central R.C. & D paper shredding dates.
Cherry County Commissioners Public Hearing
Cherry County Commissioners public hearing on Tuesday.
Girls Golf State Tournament
Results from the Badgers girls golf state tournament in North Platte.
NDOT Provides Husker Football Travel Tips
The Nebraska Department of Transportation offers these “Rhules of the Road” for travel to Lincoln for Husker Football.
Krueger Wins Oklahoma Kayak Race
Josh Krueger won the solo kayak division and was the second overall racer to cross the finish line
Valentine Police Department has Confirmed a Mountain Lion Sighting
Call Game and Parks or local police if you observe a mountain lion.
Chadron Girls Golf Invite Results
Chadron Girls Golf invite results.
2023 Ne American Legion Class C Junior State Tournament
Junior Legion Post 90 team competing at the state level this weekend in Imperial in Campbell Park
Valentine’s 8 & Under Baseball Team Wins
Local Team wins the Bob Haley Memorial Rookie Tournament
Open Plains Transit Open House
There will be an open house for Open Plains Transit at 1:00pm!
No Action will Likely Take Place Against Senator Brewer
No action will likely be taken against Senator Tom Brewer for not living in his district.
2023 NSAA State Dual Wrestling Championships Qualifiers
2023 NSAA State Dual Wrestling Championships Qualifiers
New Husker Football Coach Named
Matt Rhule ready to lead Husker football.
153rd Annual Nebraska State Fair
Thousands of people preparing to visit the Nebraska State Fair.
Men’s League Golf Results
Results from the Federick Peak Men’s league
Men’s League Golf Results
Results from the Federick Peak Men’s league
Men’s League Golf Results
Results from the Federick Peak Men’s league
Men’s League Golf Results
Results from the Federick Peak Men’s league