Spring wild turkey season begins March 25 for archers in Nebraska.
The youth shotgun season opens April 5, with the regular shotgun season starting
April 12. All spring turkey seasons close May 31.
Turkey hunters must use archery equipment March 25-April 11 and may use either
archery equipment or a shotgun April 12-May 31. Youth turkey hunters must use
archery equipment March 25-April 4 and may use either archery equipment or a shotgun
April 5-May 31.
Hunters are limited to two turkey permits in the spring (one for landowners). The
bag limit during the spring season is one male or bearded female turkey per permit
per calendar day.
Permits are available at OutdoorNebraska.gov [
https://outdoornebraska.gov/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]. Nonresident
permits are sold out.
Hunters will find a resource in the Public Access Atlas, which identifies and
consolidates Nebraska’s public access opportunities for the benefit of hunters,
trappers and anglers. It displays more than 1.2 million acres of publicly accessible
lands across Nebraska, including state, federal, and conservation partner lands as
well as privately owned lands enrolled in the Open Fields and Waters program.
Read more information on turkey season in the 2025 Turkey Guide at
OutdoorNebraska.gov [
https://outdoornebraska.gov/guides-maps/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ].