This Saturday is Crazy Day in Valentine

This Saturday is Crazy Day in Valentine

The following is the schedule and how the Valentine Chamber drawings and contests will work this year for Crazy Day. 8am Free will breakfast at Vets Club sponsored by area churches. 9am-5pm SIDEWALK SALES😃 Valentine Chamber will be matching totals on...
Highway 12 Bridge to Close after Labor Day

Highway 12 Bridge to Close after Labor Day

Preparations continue for the upcoming Minnechaduza Creek Bridge project NorthEast of Valentine on Highway 12. Work will begin this fall (2024), with project completion in the spring of 2025. A road closure shall occur between Labor Day (2024) and Memorial Day (2025)....
Independence Day Parade to Be Held July 4

Independence Day Parade to Be Held July 4

Start putting your parade floats and entries together.  The annual Independence Day Parade will be held in Valentine beginning at 10am on July 4th starting at 1st and Main, traveling North to 5th Street then east to Green Street and the High School Parking lot where...
Flag Day Trivia

Flag Day Trivia

The annual Flag Day Trivia program was held on Radio KVSH Friday morning. 20 Flags worth $327 were awarded to folks who called in with questions and answers. The two finest flags were of polyester, with stitched stars and stripes. Connie Rhodes won a fifty-star flag...
Highway 12 Bridge to Close after Labor Day

Minnechaduza Bridge Project Scheduling Update

The contractor has exercised their option to construct the Minnechaduza Bridge project beginning this fall, with project completion in the spring of 2025. A road closure shall occur, on Highway 12, between Labor Day (2024) and Memorial Day (2025). During this time...