The Valentine Rotary Club Scholarship Fundraiser

The Valentine Rotary Club Scholarship Fundraiser

The Valentine Rotary Club will hold their annual “Fish and Chips for Scholarships” fundraiser at Bolo Beer Co. Friday, March 24th from 5:30-7:30pm. The free-will donation for a meal of freshly fried fish, coleslaw, fish tacos, potato chips, and dessert,...
Main Street Project has Resumed

Main Street Project has Resumed

Work has resumed on the VALENTINE Main Street project. Work will require the closure of a block of 4th Street. The road closure will begin at the intersection of HWY 83 (Main Street) & 4th Street working west along US-83/West 4th Street 400 feet toward Cherry...
FFA Annual Hired Hand Auction

FFA Annual Hired Hand Auction

The Valentine FFA Chapter will hold their annual hired hand auction on Tuesday, March 14th at the Cherry County Fairgrounds. According to advisor Brent Nollette the event will begin at 6pm with soup and sandwich meal. At 7pm they plan to start the auction of about 50...