Power Outage in Valentine

Power Outage in Valentine

For the public’s safety and to ensure quality service to it’s customers, City of Valentine Electrical crews made some emergency repairs on Tuesday afternoon beginning at about 3:45pm due to the report of some brokenswitches at 6th street. This power outage...
Counterfeit Money in Valentine

Counterfeit Money in Valentine

Several days ago, KVSH was notified by the Valentine Police Department of a counterfeit $20 found to be circulating in Valentine. The bill had small print stating that it was for motion picture use only, and not legaltender. Now, we have received word from the...
VPD Week In Review

VPD Week In Review

October 9 – 15, 2022 Incidents/Arrests: On 10/10/2022 at 3:36 pm, an officer conducted a traffic stop near the intersection of 3rd and Cherry Streets.  A 63 year old South Dakota man was cited for possession of marijuana less than one ounce, no driver’s...
Valentine City Council Meeting

Valentine City Council Meeting

City of Valentine held a regular council meeting Thursday evening. During that time, mostly routine business was handled. The one- and six-year road improvement program was approved as proposed with a regular maintenance schedule as well as some storm sewer...