Repairs On Wind Turbine Underway

Repairs On Wind Turbine Underway

Crews worked over the weekend to get the wind turbine west of Valentine back into service. The unit has been out of commission while they waited for a new bearing which was held up by the supply chain issues thataffected many areas of the economy. Once the new bearing...
Construction on Main Street Update

Construction on Main Street Update

According to Valentine Main Street project manager Darrell Lurz, the Second Street intersection on Main Street should be reopened to traffic late next week. Sidewalk construction is waiting for conduit for newstreet lights which could be about 2 week out. Installation...
Valentine City Council Meeting

Valentine City Council Meeting

The Valentine City Council met Thursday evening for a regular monthly meeting at the Valentine Public Library meeting room. The council approved a zoning change for the west side of Cherry Street in the North 100 Block from commercial business to limited industrial to...