Conditions a Factor in Rollover

Conditions a Factor in Rollover

According to the Cherry County Sheriff’s Office, Merriman Fire, Martin Ambulance, Cody Fire, Valentine Fire and Cherry County Ambulance assisted with a single vehicle rollover on Highway 20, between Merriman and Cody. Two occupants were transported to the Martin...

Commissioners Approve Swine Facility CUP

On a 3 to 0 vote, the Cherry County Commissioners voted to approve a conditional use permit for Danielksi Farms/Valentine Feeders swine facility Southwest of Crookston.  The commissioners moved their regular meeting to the courtroom to accommodate the 43 people who...
Valentine Main Street Renovation Delayed

Valentine Main Street Renovation Delayed

The Nebraska Department of Transportation has informed KVSH that all bids for the Valentine Main Street project have been rejected.  The two bids received where both over the states estimate of cost for the project. According to the DOT, the specs will be reviewed and...
NCDHD COVID Update 3/08/2021

NCDHD COVID Update 3/08/2021

North Central District Health Department (NCDHD) has been made aware of 4 new COVID-19 cases in the district since last reporting period on 3/4/2021: 2-Antelope, 0-Boyd, 0- Brown, 1-Cherry, 1-Holt, 0-Keya Paha, 0-Knox, 0-Pierce, 0-Rock. NCDHD still encourages district...
Reminder of Meeting Tonight

Reminder of Meeting Tonight

The public is invited to attend an informational meeting on March 9th, 6:00 pm at the Valentine High School auditorium.  Margaret Byfield with American Stewards of Liberty will be discussing an executive order on climate change, recently signed by President Biden and...