VPD Week In Review

VPD Week In Review

May 19 – 25, 2024 Incidents/Arrests: On 05/19/2024 at 9:57 am, a dog was reported to be running at large in the 400 block of north Macomb Street. A 42 year old Valentine man was cited for dog running at large. On 05/19/2024 at 10:27 am, an officer conducted a...
VFD Called Over Memorial Day Weekend

VFD Called Over Memorial Day Weekend

The Valentine Volunteer Fire Department was busy over the Memorial Day weekend on Saturday and Sunday.  On Saturday night, firemen responded to the report of a car fire in the alley behind Third and Ray streets.  According to Valentine Volunteer Fire Chief Terry...
Valentine Alumni Banquet June 29th

Valentine Alumni Banquet June 29th

The Valentine Alumni Banquet activities will be held on June 29th at the Catholic Parish Hall in Valentine. The Valentine High School class of 1999 will be hosting this years event. Tickets are now available at Nelsen Furniture in Valentine. If your class has plans...
Valentine Pool To Open Memorial Day

Valentine Pool To Open Memorial Day

The beginning of summer.  For some, it’s the last day of school.  For others, the summer solstice on June 21st marks the first official day of summer.  But for many, the Memorial Day weekend marks the beginning of the summer season.  According to Valentine City...