Information for Small Businesses

Information for Small Businesses

Here are some questions and answers about the federal stimulus package that could benefit small business. Q. I run a small business that has been all but shut down by this crisis. I want my employees to be working, but I’m not sure that’s possible as my company’s...
City of Valentine Notice

City of Valentine Notice

Because the Directed Health Measure issued by the State of Nebraska prohibits gatherings of 10 or more people, groups of that size will be dispersed by law enforcement, including those in city parks and on trails, and those in public and school parking lots and...
Game & Parks Closing Overnight Camping

Game & Parks Closing Overnight Camping

In a proactive effort to prevent the potential for spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus), the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission will prohibit overnight camping at state parks, state recreation areas and wildlife management areas starting Monday, April 6 through Friday,...
NSR Visitor Center Closed

NSR Visitor Center Closed

Niobrara National Scenic River is announcing modifications to operations to implement the latest guidance from the White House, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), and local and state authorities to promote social distancing to support federal, state,...
Proposed Increased Hunting Resources

Proposed Increased Hunting Resources

On Wednesday, April 1, 2020, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) announced a proposal to increase public access through new and expanded hunting opportunities at a South Dakota national wildlife refuge. Hunting and fishing programs are administered to ensure...