A large crowd, estimated at over 100 people, attended an important Town hall Meeting in Cody last night to hear a report on the Cody Kilgore School infrastructure. The Kilgore Elementary School structure has basically outlived its usefulness and presents several problems for the district. A proposal was reviewed that would include building a new elementary school in Cody as well as remodel some of the high school building. The cost estimate was 9.8 million dollars. This would result in a tax increase of about 33 cents for every hundred dollars of valuation. For example a valuation of $200,000 on a property would result in in $660 increase in taxes. There would be some operational cost savings by having both schools in one location and renovations of heating and cooling costs at the Cody Building. No decisions were made at last night meeting and more information will be available on the Cody Kilgore school website. There will be a survey to help determine future actions.