As the Valentine National Wildlife Refuge (Refuge) moves into the fall hunting, fishing and wildlife viewing season, refuge staff continue to work cooperatively with the Cherry County and the Nebraska DOT on road access through the refuge. Due to the high water table and flooded roadways, motor vehicle access to the refuge is currently limited to select roads to the east and west of U.S. Highway 83. A temporary stoplight is currently installed on U.S. Highway 83, to allow for one-way traffic down the center of the highway. Please heed signs for slow traffic as the depth of the water on the highway is 6-8 inches deep along the center line. Roads on the Refuge that are currently closed to vehicles will remain closed until such time as road conditions improve, and Cherry County rescinds the closure of Pony Lake road. The Refuge will continue to monitor refuge road and trail conditions, and refuge road closures will be rescinded as the refuge roads are deemed passable. For your safety, please respect Road Closed signs. Please visit the refuge website for updates at, or call the Refuge office for more information, 402-376-3398.

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