The 2nd Annual Chaduza Cookoff was held Saturday, June 15th at the Valentine City Park. Contestants were judged on appearance, taste, texture, tenderness, aroma, and overall impression.

Judge’s Choice: Adam Moosman
People’s Choice: Jason Hoebelheinrich and Bo O’Keefe
2nd Place: Jason Hoebelheinrich and Bo O’Keefe
3rd Place: Rick Holmes

Judge’s Choice: Jason Hoebelheinrich and Bo O’Keefe
People’s Choice: Jason Hoebelheinrich and Bo O’Keefe
2nd Place: Adam Moosman
3rd: Rick Holmes

Judge’s Choice: Abby Holmes
People’s Choice: Tyrel Yager
2nd Place: Adam Moosman
3rd Place (tie): Tyrel Yager
3rd Place (tie): Jason Hoebelheinrich and Bo O’Keefe

1st Place: Adam Moosman

Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all who participated!