Leo Brinda Post 90, Unit 90 and Squadron 90 of the American Legion Family will sponsor Flag Day activities on Friday, June 14th.

Flags will be given away during the annual trivia contest on the Comment Show broadcast by Radio KVSH at 10:15 am, 940 on the AM dial.

The evening program will commence at 5:45 PM CT on the front lawn at the Bank of the West on Main Street. The public is encouraged to bring their lawn chairs for ease and comfort during the program.

A short program about the Flag will be presented. The nationwide Pause For The Pledge will be led at 6PM by Unit 90’s Little Miss Poppy Cadence Swanson and Poppy Girl Maddy Bopp.

The Flag Disposal Ceremony will be conducted with assistance of Boy Scout Troop #288 and Cub Scouts from Pack #288 .

United States flags that need to be destroyed in a dignified manner may be left in the Flag Drop Box on Main Street, located in front of the Veteran’s Club here in Valentine.