Governor Pete Ricketts has directed the Nebraska State Patrol to temporarily waive certain requirements for trucks traveling in and through Nebraska in support of efforts to the response to severe flooding.  This order is in addition to the Governor’s emergency declaration issued on Tuesday.

“In light of the historic flooding and devastation our communities are facing, the state has temporarily waived the length and weight requirements for trucks traveling in and through Nebraska,” said Governor Ricketts.  “This will help move materials more efficiently around the state as we work together to respond to the impacts of the flooding and severe weather.”

The directive is effective immediately until April 15, 2019.  Nebraska is working with surrounding states to encourage them to temporarily ease their restrictions as well.

The Governor’s Office, Nebraska Department of Agriculture, and Nebraska Emergency Management Agency are monitoring conditions in Nebraska on a daily basis, and staying in touch with ag leadership to assess emerging needs.  State agencies are assisting regions of Nebraska as requests are made by local emergency managers.

Read the executive order by clicking here.  The Governor’s emergency declaration can be found by clicking here.

Governor Pete Ricketts and Unicameral Speaker Jim Scheer surveyed historic flooding in portions of northeast Nebraska.  They joined members of the Nebraska National Guard to get an aerial view of flooding impact and updated the media on the ongoing response in Norfolk and Omaha.

Over the past few days, Nebraska has experienced historic flooding and extreme weather conditions in nearly every region of the state.  The Nebraska Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) has been working with local, state, and federal officials to provide assistance to the counties in need while gauging the total damage and impact. 

Nebraskans looking to support response efforts should contact their local emergency manager and the Nebraska Red Cross.  A directory of local emergency managers can be found by clicking here.  Information about the Red Cross can be found by clicking here.

To keep up-to-date on road closings, visit the Nebraska Department of Transportation’s traveler information website at  Anyone that becomes involved in an emergency situation, please call 9-1-1 immediately for assistance.

View more pictures by here (part one) and here (part two).  View pool video footage by clicking here (part one)here (part two), and here (part three)

Pictured: bridge at Genoa


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