All are welcome to the annual membership meeting, Tuesday October 23 at 6 PM Central Time at the Peppermill Restaurant in Valentine. The meeting will include dinner, guest speakers, and a short business meeting. This is a great opportunity to meet the board, other members, learn about what they do, and join.

Please RSVP by calling Al at 402-376-1164 or by emailing

The guest speaker this year will be Dr. Mark Kaemingk from the University of Nebraska Lincoln who will share information on a 2 year study conducted at Valentine National Wildlife Refuge. He used cameras and surveys to find out where our visitors come from, what they did while here, as well as why they come.

The Sandhills Prairie Refuge Association is a non-profit Refuge Friends Group supporting educational, historical, and scientific activities at Fort Niobrara, Valentine, and Seier National Wildlife Refuges.