2018 Primary

Cherry County NE – Current Office Filings List


Reminder: Filing Deadlines are as follows:

February 15, 2018 for incumbents

March 1, 2018 non-incumbents (AKA New Filers)


Current as of 3/1/2018 5:00 PM CST

These are all of the filings the Cherry County Clerk’s office has received to be on the ballot for the


Name of Candidate Party Office filing for
Brittny N. Petersen Republican County Clerk
Lorana Eggert Republican Clerk of the District Court
Neil Wescott Valentine City Council
Rusty Osburn Republican County Sheriff
Kathy Hammond Republican County Treasurer
James B. Ward Republican County Commissioner
Harold T. Osgood Republican County Commissioner
Timothy  A. Hanson Republican Cherry County Surveyor
Andrew C. Johnson Republican Cherry County Public Defender
William W. Fischer Valentine Community School Board
Gregory L. Gass Valentine Community School Board
Eric A. Scott Republican County Attorney
David (Dent) Otradovsky Valentine City Council
Betty J. Daugherty Republican County Assessor
Tanya Storer Republican County Commissioner
Tess L. Canet Valentine Community School Board
Michael C. Young Republican County Commissioner
Tim Colvin Valentine City Council
Kris (Sedivy) Larsen Valentine Community School Board
Michael C. Burge Republican County Commissioner