At the regular monthly meeting of the Cherry County Hospital Ambulance Service, Doug Kroeger, EMT, and his wife Shirley Kroeger, EMR were presented with the NEMSA EMS Provider of the Year Award.  Their nomination letter from the service states that “This husband-and-wife duo have over 50 years between them as volunteers on (the) squad.”

Because they live north of Cody, Doug and Shirley primarily serve as first responders for calls in north central and northwest Cherry County, although they do take some calls in Valentine. They also sit-in on many athletic standbys, mostly for the Cody-Kilgore Schools.  The duo have picked up a wealth of knowledge in the field of prehospital healthcare, and the Cherry County Ambulance Service is proud to award them with the NEMSA EMS provider of the year award.  According to their website, NEMSA (Nebraska Emergency Medical Service Association) is an organization dedicated to providing the highest quality pre-hospital care to the citizens of this state, (that) strives to serve the needs of its membership.