About 2 dozen people attended the public meeting at the Middle Niobrara Natural Resources District office in Valentine last evening to discuss the proposed tear down and remodel project being proposed. There were questions about the need for such a new building, using tax supported grants to help pay for it, cost versus return and others. The MNNRD acquired property in 2012 to house its offices. Murphy said the board put ambitions for improved office and shop space on hold for four years. Issues with the building have since been identified, and include a leaky roof, rotten insulation, uninsulated doors and no kitchen. Murphy said the NRD has also been working to address inadequate electrical, ADA compliance issues and fire codes that are required to be met. Murphy said the MNNRD has budgeted for capital improvements alongside applying and being awarded grant funding for many of the planned improvements. The proposed new 11,000+/- square foot ADA-compliant facility would include a kitchen/break room, lobby, 10 to 12 offices, a meeting room along with smaller conference areas, and a tree pickup area for local constituents. Murphy said the current building would be torn down and repurposed as an equipment storage lean-to. Anyone with questions on the building project is invited to attend the MNNRD Board of Directors special meeting from 12:30 until 2 p.m. Friday, March 21, in the Ainsworth Conference Center.