Sandhills Stories is a new program on KVSH Radio that features interviews with ranchers, business owners and the people of the Sandhills. This inspirational program will cover how and why the families settled in the Sandhills and discuss the generations that have lived here. Stories of arriving on the orphan train as a young teenager and working on area ranches or this might be where the wheel fell off the wagon and still others selected the area for the great ranching possibilities. Join us each Friday on the Comment program at 10:15 as we continue the Sandhills Stories adventure. We will hear the stories of heroism, heartbreak and jubilation. Learn about your neighbors, your local businesses and the great men and women who have called these Sandhills home. That’s Fridays at 10:15 on KVSH, Presented by Tehrani Motors on West Highway 20 in Valentine.
The first Sandhills Stories program, featuring Robert Joseph and the history of the Pappermill Restaurant, will continue this Friday. Robert talks about the history of The Peppermill as well as the Joseph and Mulligan families. The March 14th episode of Sandhills Stories, will feature the history of the Broken Box Ranch South of Cody with the Rex Adamson family. These interviews will be archived on on a special Sandhills Stories page after they air. Once again this is sponsored by Tehrani Motors.