A mutual aid call was made to Valentine Volunteer Fire Department requesting assistance with a fire on the Anita Swim place 2 miles east and 3 south of Norden, NE on Monday.  The fire was initially reported to Springview firemen just after 4pm.  Because there were already 2 trucks from Springview at a fire near Long Pine, the mutual aid call to Valentine was made almost immediately.

Eventually, six departments sent at least some assistance with trucks and personnel.  In addition to Springview and Valentine, Ainsworth, Raven, South Pine and the Conservancy.  Cody and Kilgore fire departments were also summoned but were cancelled shortly after the initial request.

According to Springview Chief Scott Hallock, it was estimated that about 80 acres were burned, mostly in steep canyon area.  As of noon Tuesday, Springview did have one truck remaining on scene dowsing hotspots with concerns of windy conditions over the next several days in north central Nebraska.

A Red Flag Warning remains in effect across the region until 7pm Tuesday evening and possibly Wednesday, as well.