Valentine Community Schools is excited to announce Shelly Parks as next year’s One
Act/Drama Sponsor! Shelly is a 1998 graduate of Valentine High School. She participated in
One Act and Speech competitions all four years of high school and was a theater major her first
year of college. Shelly graduated from the University of Nebraska at Kearney in 2006 with a
Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education. She returned to Valentine 14 years ago to
raise her daughters, Evie 17, Lilybet 15, and Marvel 6. She taught first grade at Valentine
Elementary School for 12 years and is currently the English Language Learner Coordinator for
the Elementary and Middle Schools. Shelly is currently working on a Master’s Degree in
Educating Multilingual Learners through Arizona State University. She is also a certified yoga
instructor (CYT200) through the Breath For Change program. Shelly looks forward to renewing
her love of theater and working with the talented students at VHS!