The North Central RC&D in partnership with the Middle Niobrara NRD has secured funding
for a tire amnesty event to be held on April 30th and May 1st in Valentine, Nebraska. The Nebraska
Department of Environment and Energy approved a Waste Reduction and Recycling Grant for a 200-
ton scrap tire collection.
“The NRD goal is to conserve, sustain, and improve natural resources. Supporting this event
provides an opportunity for environmentally responsible disposal of tires, keeping them out of landfills,
and repurposed for other usable products,” says Chandler Schmidt, Watershed Coordinator for the
Middle Niobrara NRD.
The event will allow residents in the area to bring all sizes and types of tires to be recycled,
however no rims will be accepted. Champlin Tire Recycling, Inc., Concordia, Kansas will collect the
tires and recycle them in multiple ways. Salvageable tire casings are repaired and retreaded in their
plant. Tractor and large tire sidewalls are cut and turned into silage covers or turned inside out for feed
bunks. Tires are also processed into by-products used in manufacturing park benches and picnic tables.
Mike Burge, chairman of the North Central RC&D stated that this grant allows the organization
to fulfill its focus on providing recycling opportunities that might not otherwise be available in the area.
“Local communities do not have the capacity or funding to collect tires for recycling. I encourage
residents in the area to take advantage of this opportunity and plan ahead to bring their scrap tires to
this collection.”
More details will be available as the event nears, however, if you have questions about the tire
amnesty in Valentine, please contact the RC&D at or 402-340-1530.