For the first time in recent memory, the fundraising goal for the
Salvation Army in Valentine was not met.
The Salvation Army, through the Valentine Lions Club, raised $4,838.95,
just $161.05 short of their goal of $5,000. According to Wendy Murphy with
the Valentine Lions Club, this is in sharp contrast to the $8,000 raised
the previous year.
Local business owners stated that overall sales seemed to be down for the
period, and some thought the warmer temperatures might have kept people
from getting into the Christmas Spirit. Either way, the bells will be
ringing again for 2025 starting around Thanksgiving. The Salvation Army
does accept donations year-round, too. If you would like to make a
contribution to the Salvation Army, (90% of which remains at work in the
immediate Valentine area), you can do so by going to the Valentine branch
of Union Bank and Trust on Highway 20 and designate the funds to the
Salvation Army account.