The Valentine City Council held a regular meeting at the library meeting room on Thursday evening immediately following their annual budget hearing.

While evaluations are up, this has allowed a change in the levy from 19 to 16 cents.  What this means is that there is no change in the property tax request for the 2024-2025 fiscal year, amounting to $430,000.

The council did authorize a sanitary sewer system revenue bond in the amount of up to $5,700,000 and a water system revenue bond of up to $1,950,000.  It was stated that the State of Nebraska will issue 45% forgiveness making this an opportune time to go forward with issuing these bonds.

Representatives from the Valentine Economic Development board and Heart City Theater Corporation were present, requesting a $100,000 contribution.  City Manager Shane Siewart stated that several officials including the auditor was contacted about this, all stating the opinion that no tax dollars should be allocated to a 3rd party non-profit organization.  After a lengthy discussion, it was decided that the council would essentially be contributing a $100,000 loan with 0% interest and no payments due in perpetuity until the theater corporation ceases to exist.

There was a request for Good Life Consultants to perform a feasibility study with design concepts for a new municipal wellness center to be constructed.

Also at the meeting it was decided that water and sewer rates would be raised again as well.  The average residential water bill will go up about 2 and a half dollars a month, while sewer rates would go up about 4 and a half dollars a month.

The next regular meeting of the Valentine City Council will be Thursday October 10.