Chaduza Cook Off results on Saturday in the Valentine City Park.

Chicken Category
3rd place Husker Hub of Cody
2nd Jason Hoebelheinrich
1st place Elliott Sweezey
People’s Choice Tom Monroe

Ribs Category
3rd place Jason Hoebelheinrich
2nd Elliott Sweezey
1st place Husker Hub of Cody
People’s Choice James Sweezey

Beef Categoy
3rd Place Jason Hoebelheinrich
2nd James Sweezey
1st place Husker Hub of Cody
People’s Choice Rick Holmes.

Side Dish 3rd place, Elliott Sweezey with Cheesy Potatoes, 2nd place
Husker Hub with Apple Cobbler and 1st place Rick Holmes with Cherry

Cornhole tournament won by Kim Valen and Brandon Gehlson, 2nd place James
and Brad Belville and 3rd place Ty Hansen and Nash Hesse.