According to documents provided to KVSH from The Niobrara Council, after a phone consult with the Office of the Auditor of Public Accounts, they stated that the council it’s not a state agency and therefore not required to issue a statement of corrective action regarding statements recently made by Auditor Mike Foley. However, the Council is making changes in response to the auditor’s concerns.

One modification involves revising Niobrara Council Executive Director Kalli Kieborz’s contract to allow her to have outside employment as an elected member of the Valentine City Council, a position that currently pays $2400 a year. Additionally, the auditor’s report noted that the two Niobrara Council employees received more than $7,500 last year in what he classified as improper bonuses. The Niobrara Council clarified that these payments were mislabeled and should have been categorized as retention payments or another classification.

State Auditor Mike Foley also criticized the Council for its delayed submission of annual reports to the Legislature, with some reports being filed up to three years late since 2016. The Council says all reports are now currently up-to-date. Another issue raised by the auditor involves Keiborz’s compensation for unused vacation days, amounting to $39,919 since 2005. The Council’s response indicated that while Kieborz, being a salaried employee, will not be required to fill out timesheets, she will maintain a detailed calendar and resume submitting a monthly activity report to the Council members.

Following the auditor’s report, Niobrara National Scenic River Superintendent Susan Cook informed the board that her regional manager has requested a delay in signing a cooperative agreement that provides approximately $100,000 annually to the Niobrara Council. “He wants to thoroughly review the audit before any funds are transferred or agreements signed,” Cook said.