3 miles Northwest of the casino had .90
Sherry bacon 1.5 miles west of Valentine- 1.25
Powder Horn ranch SW of Valentine- .79
KVSH .85
Jerry and Janette Duffield 2miles West of Norden- 1.2 in
Southern Bureau 31 miles South- 1.1
Connot Ranch 12 miles East of Valentine- 1.10
Van winkles 1 mile East of Wood Lake- 1.25
Crookston had .70.
McEvoy’s had 1.05.
Shane Keller 35 miles South of Valentine- 1.30.
Arabia Ranch 15 miles Southeast of Valentine- 1.25.
Swansons had just over an inch
St Francis- .95
Merritt- .67
Thedford- 1.19
Springview- 1.52
Gordon- .37
Miller field- .96
Ainsworth- 1.13

Thank you to everyone who calls in rainfall amounts!