An update on the Highway 97 road construction around Merritt Dam. Motorist heading to camp site need to be aware of construction in the area.

The milling operation of removing 2″ of asphalt from the existing roadway and trench widening has completed its work items. Asphalt placement has completed placement of the bottom lift, 1 ½ ” of Asphaltic Concrete, of the roadway.

Next week expect placement of the top lift of asphalt and driveway work. As driveways are built, light traffic will be allowed to drive on placed asphalt after compaction by a roller. As work progresses through the project, driveway work will occur with access to camping areas being re-established.

The grading operation for excavation and embankment construction has been suspended until completion of the Asphalt placement.

Traffic control will continue to use flaggers with a pilot car. Most wait times will be less than 10 minutes. As always safety is our focus.