Nebraska Tourism has announced their annual passport locations and bonus locations.  In all there are 70 passport destinations and 15 bonus locations.  There are several in the KVSH area, including Centennial Hall in Valentine, the Mullen Arts Center, and Anthem Coffee in Thedford.  Smith Falls State Park is listed on the bonus page.

The purpose of the Nebraska Passport is to help travelers discover Nebraska’s hidden gems. The Nebraska Passport is special because it offers a wide variety of travel adventures, including museums, parks, restaurants, wineries, retail stores and more.

The 2024 Nebraska Passport program will run from May 1 through September 30, 2024

First, Download the app or request a booklet. Then Visit stops and collect stamps.  Once you’ve done that, Turn in collected stamps and earn prizes.  You can also Share your Passport Stories at 

You can find out more about the program and these Nebraska destination by visiting that website as well.