With several inches of heavy, wet snow falling across the KVSH listening area, the American Heart Association reminds listeners to be cautious when shoveling your sidewalks and driveways.
A study conducted in Canada a few years ago found that the chance of heart attack after a snowfall increased among men but not women. The study found that, compared to no snowfall, a heavy snow – about 7-8 inches – was associated with 16% higher odds of men being admitted to the hospital with a heart attack, and 34% increase in the chance of men dying from a heart attack.
The National Weather Service in North Platte, NE urges listeners to stay hydrated, but avoid large meals just before or just after shoveling, and also advises that you move only small amounts of snow with each pass of the shovel. And finally, take frequent breaks. Stop shoveling entirely if you feel exhausted.
The American Heart Association urges everyone to learn the common signs of heart trouble and if you experience chest pain or pressure, lightheadedness or heart palpitations or irregular heart rhythms, stop the activity immediately. Call 9-1-1 if symptoms don’t subside shortly after you stop shoveling or snow blowing. If you see someone collapse while shoveling snow, call for help and start Hands-Only CPR if they are unresponsive with no pulse.