On a two to one vote the Cherry County Commissioners denied a CUP application for TK Angus to construct a hog confinement on their property Southeast of Valentine. Martin DeNaeyer made a motion to approve the application including a resolution of the finding of facts. It also included a contingency that it was dependent upon approval by the State of Nebraska. The motion died for a lack of a second.

Commissioner Nina Nelson stated that she felt the project did not promote public health, safety, convenience and general welfare of the public.

After four revisions to commissioner DeNaeyer’s resolution, Nelson made the motion to deny the application. Commissioners Nelson and McConaughey voted to approve the motion to deny and commissioner DeNaeyer voted “no” on the motion. The vote came after a 90 plus minute discussion. 

This has been a six month process by TK Angus which started last spring when the application filed. After two postponements, the planning and zoning commission voted 4 to 1 in August, to recommend approval to the commissioners. Zoning administrator Jessica Coyle reported that the permit had met all requirements of the Cherry County zoning regulations.

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