On Saturday October 21, The Sandhills Prairie Refuge Association will be hosting a field tour of the recently completed water control structure improvements at the Valentine National Wildlife Refuge. At 10 AM Central Time, we will meet at the Valentine Refuge Headquarters 29 miles south of the town of Valentine on US Highway 83 and then 1 mile east to the HQ. Refuge Manager Juancalos Giese and Nebraska Game and Parks Biologist Zac Brashears will give a short presentation on the work that has been done at the fishing lakes and plans for future work. Juancarlos and Zac will then show us several of the water control structures that have been modified to prevent carp movement between the lakes. Following the tour, we will provide a lunch for those attending and you will have a chance to have your questions about the project answered. We should be done around one o’clock which should leave time for an afternoon fishing trip, grouse hunt, or hike on your own Call Juancarlos at 402-376-1889 if you have questions. Hope to see there. The Sandhills Prairie Refuge Association is a non-profit Friends group supporting historical, visitor services, and wildlife projects on Ft. Niobrara, Valentine, and Seier National Wildlife Refuges.