There were several perfect cards turned in for the KVSH Pigskin Prediction Contest this week. In fact there were 8 perfect cards. Nebraska had only 305 total yards again Number 2 Michigan in the 45 to 7 loss. Dick Jeffer of Valentine had a perfect card and only 332 yards for the total yardage to claim the $25 first place in this weeks contest. The second closest on yardage was 345 from Matt Coleman of North Platte, also with a perfect card. The other perfect cards included, wade Daugherty, Julie Gray, Rox Ann Ohlman, Gary Coleman, Ginny Lee and Allen Daugherty. There were 20 participants with only 1 wrong on last weeks card. Cards for the Pigskin Prediction Contest are available at Young’s Western Wear, Security First Bank, Hometown Lumber, Nelsen Furniture and Sandhill’s State Bank. They will be available on Tuesday at Old Mill Bulk Foods and Deli.