The Florida Gators upset of number 11 ranked Tennessee threw a lot of people off in our KVSH Pigskin Prediction contest this past week. Also with three undefeated high school teams from our area, playing other undefeated teams, it made it tough to predict. There is always one person who defies the odds and this week it was Jean Tetherow. Jean had only one wrong on the card and that was the UNK loss to Missouri Southern 18 to 13. Jean wasn’t too far off the Husker total yardage of 382 yards. She wrote down 358. The total yardage determined our second place person as 13 people missed 2 this week. With a guess of 379 yards, Ann Neifer will take the second place 15 dollars prize money. Just out of the money with two wrong predictions were Nathan Finley, David Billings, Monte Ohlman, Dave Nelsen, Deb Jackson, Ariel Gass, Katelyn Jackson, Connor Lurz, Spencer DeNaeyer, Brandi Daugherty, and Dick Smith. This weeks cards can be found at Sandhill’s State Bank, Young’s Western
Wear, Old Mill Bulk Foods and Deli, Security First Bank and Hometown Lumber.