Join the Niobrara National Scenic River, the Friends of the Niobrara, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, for a fishing clinic at Keller Park State Recreation Area. The third clinic this summer will be on
July 15 at Keller Park SRA, near Long Pine, NE.

The clinic will start at 9:00 a.m. central time and run until 12:00 p.m. Registration for children under 12 is required as they will receive a free fishing pole thanks to Friends of the Niobrara River and the National Park Foundation. Please contact the Niobrara National Scenic River Visitor Center either by phone 402-376-1901 to ask questions and register.

The Summer Fishing Clinics are geared for beginners and youth of all ages! From learning how to use fishing rods to which bait works best! Youth 15 years old and younger do not need a fishing permit, all others will need a permit.

The State of Nebraska requires a vehicle park entry permit.