This Friday, May 12th starting at 8:30am Valentine area community members are invited to help in a Volunteer Planting Day on Main Street in Valentine, NE.

Volunteers will have the opportunity to learn about tree and shrub planting, using water-wise plants in the landscape, and general planting how-to’s from representatives from the Nebraska Statewide

Over 1,200 shrubs and perennials and 25+ trees will be planted in the bumpouts at intersections and the remaining mid-block sidewalk planter locations to complete the finished look of Valentine’s
reconstructed Main Street. All are welcome.

These Tree and landscape improvements are funded in part by a matching grant funds awarded by the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum in September of 2022.

Trees, shrubs, and perennials have been chosen for the project based upon native Sandhills prairie species and species unique to the Niobrara River Valley including quaking aspen, paper birch, bur oak, Kentucky coffee tree, thornless honey locust, bluestem, coneflower, low-growing sumac among others. Tree varieties were chosen for their drought tolerance, lack of seeds and leaf litter, small leaf size, and ability to survive stressful conditions.