The Cherry County Commissioners met this week for their regular meeting.

Cherry County Veteran’s Memorial Committee members Don Nelsen and Bob Stetter were present to provide an update to the Board regarding the Memorial Park project. There will be six new flagpoles placed, with brass plaques for each. The Committee requested permission to place a brass plaque on the existing flagpole and will return to update the Board prior to completion of the project.

CNEDD Deputy Director Carla Kimball met with the Board to provide information about the process for paying invoices and requesting funds from the Community Development Block Grant Program for the grant previously awarded to Cherry County to benefit Niobrara Valley Vineyards. Niobrara Valley Vineyards co-owner Greg Nollette updated the Board regarding construction progress for the projects and matching funds.

Cherry County Highway Superintendent Lloyd Smith presented the Board with an agreement from Mark Kovar District 8 Engineer for a State Highway detour on County Roads. The State will be replacing the bridge over the Minnechaduza Creek on Highway 12. Local traffic not following the detour route was also discussed.

The next meeting of the Commissioners will be March 28th.