With another round of winter weather predicted for Wednesday, Valentine’s City Manager Shane Seiwart is slated to join us on the KVSH Comment Program Wednesday at 10:30am. Shane will be discussing the city’s efforts to deal with the last month’s record snowfall up to this point, as well as what steps may be taken to deal with future snowstorms. According to Seiwart, since January 2nd, including overtime, the street department has worked 144 hours on the snow and ice. In addition to their other duties, the electric department put in 48 hours and the water department put in 98 hours. We also received help from Flat Creek Construction. The equipment includes two motor graders, one front end loader, one skid steer, a backhoe, two dump trucks, two pickups with blades and gravel spreaders, as well as one pickup with a blade. Unfortunately, the second loader in the city’s arsenal developed a mechanical problem during the prior blizzard so it currently isn’t available. 
Again City Manager Seiwart will be joining us this Wednesday at 10:30.

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