It’s that time of year! Millions of birds are beginning their migration from their winter grounds to their breeding grounds. Each year migratory birds travel thousands of miles, battling predators, navigating new environments, and facing the negative effects of light pollution.

This year World Migratory Bird Day brings attention to the importance of dark skies, and how we can build towards creating more bird friendly homes. Poorly managed artificial outdoor lighting can cause confusion, disorientation, and fatal collisions, for migrating birds. Solutions like turning porch lights off before bed or closing your curtains at night, are some of many actions that move our communities towards protecting dark skies and wildland birds

The Niobrara National Scenic River in recognition of World Migratory Bird Day and in partnership with the Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge is offering, “Birds in the Park”, a speaker event featuring local birding expert James Ducey. Open to the public and all bird allies, we will discuss wildland birds, dangers of migration and solutions to keeping dark skies dark. The event will take place May 24th from 5:30-6:45pm in Valentine City Park, at the Girl Scout Cabin. 

40 copies of “Birds of the Untamed West” will be given to the first 40 participants of the event as well as one copy of “Field Guide to Bird Nest” that will be raffled to the public during the closing of the event

Attendees are encouraged to enjoy the evening after the programming by bringing picnic materials or comfortable shoes to hike through city park.
Contact the Niobrara National Scenic River Visitor Center either by phone 402-376-1901 or email to ask questions or request accommodations.

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