Season totals have been added up in the KVSH College Football Prediction Contest. This year’s winners struggled through a bunch of upsets to pick at a 70% correct rate. That led to a tie at the top with 109 correct picks on the season. Splitting first and second place money will be Ryan McSweeney of Valentine, NE and Bill Schell of Wyoming. Each will receive a $75 check from KVSH Radio. Only a couple of people were close to the 109 mark, with Tonya Schell at 107 and Dave Billings at 106.
More runners up:
Dona Valentine
Eric Bopp
Cricket Janssen
Matt Coleman
Greg Coleman
Kelli Sokol
Nila Gierau
Luke Jenkins
Ashton Lurz
James Isom
Donna Billings
Mike Polak
Debbie Hoffman
Shawn Gray
Bernie Eklund
Thank you to all who participated and our sponsors for making the prediction show possible!