North Central District Health Department (NCDHD) has been made aware of 115 new COVID-19 cases in the district since last reporting period on 10/18/2021.

NCDHD will be commencing its Community Health Assessment process and would like to invite the public to attend the November 12th meeting to share insight on the health and wellness of the community. This will be from 1-3pm at the Holt County Annex.

Need a COVID-19 test? Cherry County Hospital is offering FREE rapid COVID-19 testing. This service will be offered Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 2p-3p.  To register, a patient should call Cherry County Hospital 402-376-2525 or Cherry County Clinic 402-376-3770 and press pound to be connected to the registration voicemail.  Cut off for registration is 12pm the day of testing.

NCDHD will have booster doses available for persons that received Moderna and Janssen or Johnson & Johnson, Covid-19 vaccines who meet the criteria, in addition, Pfizer booster doses will continue to be available at all future NCDHD sponsored clinics.

NCDHD will begin offering these at our clinics moving forward. Please bring your insurance card or a copy of the front and back with you to clinic.  To save time at clinic, you can print a consent form on our website, these will be available at clinic if you are not able to do this before.

NCDHD has the following clinic times available, please call ahead to schedule your appointment.


Week of Oct 26-Nov 1 2021  
Long Pine City office drive through all 1 p-4 p 26-Oct note time change
Rock County Clinic-call 402-684-2906 for an appointment Moderna 1 p-4:30 p 26-Oct  
Brown Co. Clinic- call (402)-387-1900 for an appointment J & J 2 p-4 p 27-Oct  
Cherry Co. Hospital-Specialty Clinic call 402-376-2525, ext 351 for an appointment Moderna 11 a-12:15 p 28-Oct  
Week of Nov 2-Nov 8 2021  
Rock County Clinic-call 402-684-2906 for an appointment Moderna 1 p-4:30 p 2-Nov  
Brown Co. Clinic- call (402)-387-1900 for an appointment J & J 2 p-4 p 3-Nov  
Ainsworth Community Center all 3:30 p-5:30 p* 3-Nov  
*Also offering COVID, flu, Tdap, Pneumonia, and Shingles vaccines.