The Sandhills Prairie Refuge Association will be hosting memorial dedications for board members Mary Young and Janet Grabher. We used donations from families, memorials, and members to purchase viewing scopes that are located at both Fort Niobrara and Valentine National Wildlife Refuges. Janet and Mary were long time board members who greatly contributed to our organization and the refuges.

The memorial for Mary Young will take place on Saturday, September 25 at 10 AM at the Marsh Lakes Overlook at Valentine National Wildlife Refuge. A plaque will be placed recognizing Mary’s long service to the Sandhill Prairie Refuge Association. Light refreshments will be served. The Marsh Lakes Overlook is located along Highway 83 at the north entrance to the refuge.

The memorial for Janet Grabher will take place on Saturday, October 2 at 10 AM at the Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge Overlook. A plaque will be placed recognizing Janet’s long service to the Sandhills Prairie Refuge Association. Light refreshments will be served. We will also hold our annual members meeting following the dedication. The Fort Niobrara Overlook is located along Highway 12. Go past the refuge entrance and turn right at the top of the hill.

The board would like to thank all who contributed and hope you can make it to the dedications. The Sandhills Prairie Refuge Association is a non-profit supporting the educational, historical, and scientific activities at Fort Niobrara, Valentine, and Seier National Wildlife Refuges.