The issue of allowing topless dancing as part of adult entertainment in the downtown area has finally ended at Thursday night’s regular meeting of the Valentine City Council. A standing room only crowd saw the council vote down the proposed ordinance 3 to 2, with Arganbright, Kieborz and Dent voting against and Wescott and Brockley voting in favor.

Other items on the agenda were handled quickly with little discussion. A liquor license was granted for Western Oil II which will be at the current Conoco Station on East Highway 20 doing business as Speedee Mart. Discussion was also held with police chief Dana Miller concerning properties in Valentine that are in disrepair. Property owners will be given a chance to clean up before tickets are issued. The council voted to increase the price of plots at Mount Hope Cemetery to 450 dollars. A new resolution will be written concerning the sale of dirt at the rifle range. This resolution will raise the price from a dollar per cubic yard to $2.50. The item of the Economic Development Loan Committee recommendation to lend $149,500 to Dan Beberniss for business expansion was sent back to the loan committee for further discussion.

The rest of the meeting dealt with routine matters.