North Central District Health Department (NCDHD) has been made aware of 10 new COVID-19 cases in the district since last reporting period on 4/22/2021: 2-Antelope, 0-Boyd, 0- Brown, 1-Cherry, 3-Holt, 0- Keya Paha, 3-Knox, 1-Pierce, 0-Rock. NCDHD encourages district residents to continue to wear your mask in public places or where social distancing is difficult as well as practice social distancing while out in public.

With recent public gatherings and school events coming up in the near future, continue to monitor for signs and symptoms for COVID-19. During this time of year many people struggle with allergies, sinus infections, and common colds. If you have any questions regarding symptoms you have developed, please call your primary care provider or the health department.

Test Nebraska Clinics will only be held in O’Neill on Mondays from 8:30 AM -10:30 AM at the O’Neill Armory. Please enter the clinic through the alley south of the Armory. To sign up for a testing time visit

NCDHD has the following clinic times available for walk-ins during the noted times below. If you already have a scheduled appointment time for a clinic on this list, please arrive at that scheduled time. Please note any location updates. These clinics will be dispensing the Moderna Vaccine.

Walk in Time

Clinic Date


11 a-4 p


Bloomfield High School

1 p – 4:30 p


Butte Community Center

3 p – 6:30 p


Rock County High School

1 p – 2 p


Antelope County Fair Grounds

12 p – 2 p


Atkinson Community Center

If you have received a first dose of vaccine through an NCDHD clinic and have not received a call to schedule your second dose, please call our office to schedule an appointment. Still have questions regarding the vaccines? is a great resource for wanting to know more and getting informed.


On Friday, April 23, 2021 the FDA and CDC announced a lift of the recommended pause of the Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) COVID-19 Vaccine use after concluding a safety review. NCDHD will resume dispensing the Johnson & Johnson vaccine the week of May 3rd. Additional clinic details be announced as available. To read the full release from the FDA and CDC please visit the USFDA website under FDA Newsroom Press Announcements:

Next week, NCDHD will have a slight adjustment to its normal press release that would occur Monday, May 3rd to be released on Tuesday, May 4th. Thursday’s press release will occur as normal.

Case count update as of 04/26/2021 at 3:00 PM: 4,470 Total Cases (TC), 4,279 (R), 73 Deaths (D), and 53 total cases reported in the last 14 days. A reminder that Total Case (TC) numbers are represented first, and of those total cases the number of Recovered (R) persons is represented second, and total case related Deaths (D) is represented third.

Antelope: TC: 603, R: 557, D:7            

Boyd: TC: 187, R:183, D:3                   

Brown: TC 280, R: 274, D:4                 

Cherry: TC: 433, R: 423, D:8                

Holt: TC: 899, R: 847, D: 15

Keya Paha: TC: 51, R: 50, D: 0

Knox: TC: 1,148, R: 1,111, D: 13

Pierce: TC: 717, R: 682, D: 21

Rock: TC: 154, R: 152, D:2