North Central District Health Department (NCDHD) has been made aware of 16 new COVID-19 cases in the district since last reporting period on 2/22/2021: 2-Antelope, 1-Boyd, 1- Brown, 2-Cherry, 3-Holt, 0-Keya Paha, 5-Knox, 2-Pierce, 0-Rock. NCDHD still encourages district residents to continue to wear your mask in public places or where social distancing is difficult as well as practice social distancing while out in public.

NCDHD is pleased to report 158 recoveries from the last reporting period on 2/18/2021; 1-Antelope, 3-Boyd, 20-Brown, 17-Cherry, 21-Holt, 4-Keya Paha, 38-Knox, 23- Pierce, 5-Rock.

NCDHD’s TestNe COVID-19 testing times and locations starting the week of 2/8/2021 have changed to the following schedule:

  • O’Neill: Monday and Wednesday from 8:30-10:30am at the O’Neill Armory. Please enter the clinic through the alley South of the Armory.
  • Bassett: Mondays 1:00-3:00pm at the Rock County Fairgrounds
  • Pre-registration for testing at is highly encouraged, but not required.
  • The last patient will be scheduled 15 minutes before the scheduled end of the clinic.

NCDHD is pleased to report that COVID-19 vaccination clinics are resuming as shipments are again starting to arrive to the office. Some of the affected COVID-19 vaccine clinics have been rescheduled to a later date. Appointment times and  locations will remain the same on the new clinic dates unless otherwise communicated.

The following clinics have been rescheduled:

  • Neligh clinic scheduled for Wednesday, Feb 17th has been rescheduled for Monday, March 1st
  • O’Neill 2nd dose scheduled for Friday, Feb 19th has been rescheduled for Friday, Feb 26th

Due to the number of clinics and appointments scheduled NCDHD relies on an automated service for notifying those who are scheduled for appointments. District residents with appointments for upcoming clinics should expect an automated phone call from 402-336-2406 to the contact information provided through the registration process detailing clinic status information or further instructions. If you receive an automated call from NCDHD and your same appointment time will not work for you on the rescheduled date, please call NCDHD at 402-336-2406. Otherwise, no call back is needed. NCDHD asks for the patience and understanding of the district residents as we work to resolve issues within our control during this time. District residents should continue to check local media sources for the most up-to-date information available.

NCDHD is focusing on 65+ and tier 1 of the 1B community partners. This includes first responders, utilities, homeless shelter, corrections staff, and educators. An update of the district vaccinations administered can be found here below:

  • 10,064 vaccinations administered
  • 6,729 1st dose in series administered
  • 3,335 2nd dose in series administered
  • 9.28% of the population 16 and older completing vaccination series

For assistance completing the survey, please call the following agencies in your area: Elgin Public Library, Elgin Senior Center, Neligh Public Library, Neligh Senior Center, Ainsworth Public Library, Ainsworth Senior Center, Boyd County Senior Center, Valentine Public Library, Valentine Senior Center, Stuart Township Library, Atkinson Public Library, Atkinson Senior Center, O’Neill Chamber of Commerce, Bloomfield Public Library, Creighton Public Library, Eastern Township Library, Lied Lincoln Township Library, Verdigre Public Library, Crofton Senior Center, Osmond General Hospital, Osmond Library, Plainview Library, Plainview Senior Center, Pierce Public Library, Pierce Senior Center, Rock County Public Library, and Rock County Senior Center.

Case count update as of 02/25/2021 at 3:00 PM: 4,256 Total Cases (TC), 3,131 Recoveries (R), 72 Deaths (D), and 45 total cases reported in the last 14 days. A reminder that Total Case (TC) numbers are represented first, and of those total cases the number of Recovered (R) persons is represented second, and total case related Deaths (D) is represented third.

Antelope: TC: 548, R: 402, D:7      

Boyd: TC: 185, R:146, D:3               

Brown: TC 275, R: 229, D:4            

Cherry: TC: 416, R: 321, D:7          

Holt: TC: 838, R: 614, D: 15

Keya Paha: TC: 46, R: 27, D: 0

Knox: TC: 1,106, R: 754, D: 13

Pierce: TC: 699, R: 519, D: 21

Rock: TC: 150, R: 119, D:2