The local Heart of Christmas Celebration committee has announced plans for the 6th annual Parade of Lights activities in Valentine, at 6 pm, on November 28th. A new location this year will be on Green Street beginning at the Cherry County Fairgrounds and going North to the High School parking lot, then back to the fairgrounds. New this year will be a nacho bar at the fairgrounds along with s’mores and other activities. 4-H families will be sponsoring hot cocoa and goodies. Santa isn’t able to be there in person this year, but there is a mailbox to take all the letters from children to him. 

Parade entry forms will be available at the studios of KVSH Radio and you can download a form here: Parade of Lights Form. State Farm Insurance will sponsor a coloring contest for pre-school through the 4th grade. Coloring sheets will be distributed to local schools.

For more information contact Eve Miller, Debbie Schipporeit or Kim Jeffers.

November 28th is also Shop Small Town Saturday, which promotes shopping in your local businesses.

KVSH will plan to broadcast the parade live from the fairgrounds area.

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